wealth list with Javascript array methods


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This demo is learned from Brad Traversy’s course.

Demo Github

When mentioning of Array, there always is a list coming up in my mind. The first thing of Javascript is manipulating DOM to achieve the goal.

This demo concludes the arrray methods:sort(),forEach(),map() and filter().


fetch random user api

create elements and appendChild to DOM


first remenmber to link the css and js in html file

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aside is all the button with event added later in js

the main stores the data list


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imported the font from Google fonts if you want

make everything in the center

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with the line separating the aside and main

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the title aligns at the other side with space-between

the h3 and .person will be appended in js


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get the DOM and set an array to store the new data

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the five events listeners represent five events buttons in the aside

add a new user:

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To fetch random user names, it’s easy to use a random user generator API

If you come to Access-control-allow-origin error, try to understand the answer in the article to handle it. (explained why I use this way to fix it here)

async and await to fetch the JSON data and store the data includes name and money into an object and add data to DOM

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how to show the fetched data in the browser? updateDOM() it is

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every time run the function, clear the main content

the default data is the stored object

loop the data and append to the created Div

Double wealth event with map():

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map the data and multiply by 2 to money in the array

…user: spread operator

at last, update the DOM

sorted the list from max to min with sort():

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from max to min: (a,b)=>b.money-a.money

from min to max:(a,b)=>a.money-b.money

pick up the millionaires with filter():

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filter the number larger than a million and update DOM

calculate the total wealth with reduce():

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accumulate each array number and format the number to currency string

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