Draggable Sorted List with Javascript


course from Brad Traversy

Github code 


drag and drop HTML API


closest() getAttribute()   data-index


draggable list is a unsorted list
the button is for checking  if the list after manipulating is sorted correctlly

when list item add class named over, the draggable should have a colored  background

after checking the order, if the order number is right, colored to blue ,if wrong, colored to red

select elements draggable list and check button
the data is a richestPeople array string with richest first ordered
listItem  is to store the custom list array

create the list to DOM
map the data and get the random index to sort the list and then create all list items
Array.prototype.sort() sort by the callback function MDN

and then add the events  drag and drop

For each draggable list, the events contain dragstart,dragover,drop,dragenter,dragleave

When drag starts on one list, get the specific data-index to be dragStartIndex
Element.closest(): MDN
The closest() method traverses the Element and its parents (heading toward the document root) until it finds a node that matches the provided selector string. Will return itself or the matching ancestor. If no such element exists, it returns null.

dragOver run when drag active
when drag enter into another list, add the classname over for the background color,when drag leave, remove the over classname.
when dragdrop happends, get the current data-index and swap the start index and end index,also remove the over classname 
swap the two list items with index and then render in DOM

When clicking the check oreder button, check if the current listItem array and original array is same. If the items names are different, add the class for color changing red , otherwise the items name are same, add the class for blue color.

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