custom video player with Javascript
As we know the video and audio player is the part of HTML5. With "controls" attribute, it's automatically adding the modern player interface according to different browsers.
But For leaning and custom more advanced functional player, it's good to do it with Javascript to understand how the events going on.
link all the needed styles.
the range.css is from css tricks
the play and stop icon are from font-awesome
video tag with a poster to show the image defaultthe controls have four parts,play button,stop button, progress bar and timestamp.
the screen is the audio player with border on the topthe four parts in the controls inline display.the button without border
for small screen setupJS
select all the DOMswhen click the video,toggle the status of videoo
when pause and play the video,update the icon in the bar and change the progress
click event on play and stop button
when progress changes,the video change the current time
toggle play and pause event when click the videowhen the status of video is paused,the button should be a pause,either way the button is a play.
there is not stop(). which can replace by pause() and also retrait to beginning of videoWhen click on the progress bar,the video should play the current time according to current progress bar position.For displaying the timestamp,the current time is a digital time with double number.
Meanwhile the progress bar should be same with video current time.
another demo about video player with Javascript which has more functions.