Meal Finder using MealDB API
Course from Brad Traversy
fetching API with fetch()
manipulating DOM in js
The input box includes a button to submit a search, and another one is the random search button. Both of them will trigger addEventlistener.
The result heading shows the result message.
The meals show the result displaying of cards.
The single meal shows the details of picked meal.
The container is centered, and the form is flex.The meals is a list of results, which distributed to four items each line.The each meal with info is in the absolute position covered on the images.
Changing the opacity of meal info's background by hovering each meal.
get the DOMs needed
search and random click trigger the functions
reset the single meal first and then fetch the meals data from the MealDB API
AND result heading shows the meal according to the searching name
If no meal in the database, show the message
map all the meals if have and then create the meal
If the input is null, the message in the result heading
loop the meals to find the meal-info and get the attribute of meal id number
select the meal picked and add the meal to DOM