drag-and-drop list board with Javascript
drag and drop with HTML drag and drop API
add& delete items
scroll bar stylish
CODE Github
Four columns in the container.
First one is "backlog". The unordered list put the list generated or from localStorage.
ondragenter ,ondragover and ondrop events.
Add button show input box,or hide if save button clicked.
The other three are same pattern.
CSSadd the "over" classname for different background colorcustom scrollbar from css tricks For responsive screen styles.JAVASCRIPTselect all the DOM and initialize the variables.
drag() aims the target of item.
when dragged item enter the new column,add the "over" class and pass the current column index.
When drop the item,the background go back to normal and the dragged item to new column. Then rebuildArrays()loop the each array and create the new array to save .if refresh the page, grab the data from localStorage.
Get the saved column parsed from object.update the columns and save to localStorageCreate the list and trigger the ondragstart and onfocusout.move the item when drag finish.new item append to column.