React free courses recommended for beginners
As a newbie on the way to learning React, I’ve been struggled a lot and taken a long time to dig in the basic knowledge. Although I am still learning and trying to do more projects to improve my skill. I can not wait to share my path to learn to React for beginners.
After you grasp the amount of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT knowledge, you sure can do a static website with a lot of codes. Then you’ll feel like annoying to repeat some codes again and again, such as some cards with the same formats. Then it’s time to move on to the next step and find a new framework to dig in. As I know, the Angular is the huge one, but it’s a little bit old then. From now on, the most popular framework is React, and also the Vue.js recommended. Anyway, I think it’s kinda same, if you get one framework, it’s easier to learn another one.
First step: prepare the React document on hand. Check the official document anytime when you feel lost.
Second step: The beginner’s guide to React from Kent C. Dodds.
I think he explains best ‘How React works’. And the total hours is 2.35h. After the course, I think you almost got the main knowledge about React, such as components, hooks, etc.
Third step: Learn React for beginner from Bob Ziroll. I was learning on Scrimba. But now they did upload the full course on Youtube!
Here I gonna share the projects I‘ve done in the course.
- Your first React app. The components included. From this one, you can get a way to link all the components to the app.
2. Build the business card.
3. Airbnb mockup site. This one has a navbar, cards… And the card data is from a JSON file. It’s a good one to know how to map the data. More understanding Javascript using in React.
4. Travel journal. same practice on data fetches with props.
5. Meme generator.
This one is a more realistic project, which fetches the data from API.
And with hooks useState() and useEffect()
6. dark/light mode site
7. Tenzies game.
I have to say, this one is harder for beginners.
I am learning nanoid(generate random id ) and react-confetti(congrats flowers)
There is still a long way to go on React. I hope I can grasp React with more studying and practicing.
Don’t forget our best friend! Google! Anytime stuck, try to find out. You are not the only one who encountered the problem!