sticky side menu with Javascript


Github here

According to a plugin named jquery.ssMenu, I thought the sticky side menu should be concise and responsive for mobile.

link the font awesome for the icons in front of each list.
and the demo css file

and jquery library at the bottom of body for Javascript 


Menu is a list with <a> tag inside and icon embeded seperately.


Linked the google font with @import
The menu is fixed at the left side of browser.
Class .open is the main classname manipulated in the Javascript part.

With some hovering motion, the position and the color with be changed.

Any change is animated with transition,more smoother.

The badge is the red reminder besides the icon.

More color themes version is easy to set with background color.

The browser in mobile is different layouts which is at the top fixed.

I deleted some part of original code which I feel like useless.

You can change the theme and add additional css code in script. 
Add class open when mouseenter or click.
example in demo

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