JavaScript Gradient Background Generator
As you known, the way to add linear gradient is linear-gradient().Here I got three thoughts about changing the colors: pick a color, random two colors and auto play random function and stop when click the button.
First,link the stylesheet in head and script file in body.
html |
Two color picker is input typed color.
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js1 |
js2 |
randomColor()---get a random color.
'#' + (Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF << 0).toString(16)From I searched about this, Math.random() will get a random numbe [0,1). << equal to Math.floor(). toString(16) transfer the integrity to string like "123456789ABCDEF".
randomGradient()---give the random color to color1 and color2 and call the setGradient function.
js3 |
When click the random button,call randomGradient()
When click the Auto button,setInterval with random every 2 seconds
When click the Stop button,clearInterval