jquery-imageuploader.js---A little jquery plugin that creates a UI for uploading a set of files to the server

select demo
drag demo

The plugin loads images with selecting or dragging,which have rendering thumbnails.

Github here

link jquery, imageuploader.js
imageupload.css (option)

the form should be inside the block section.
form action is to the server address.

Active plugin with uploader();

the default options attributes:

Option NameDescriptionDefault Value
submitButtonCopyWhat you want the upload submit button to sayUpload Selected Files
instructionsCopyWhat the first set of instructions sayDrag and Drop, or
furtherInstructionsCopyWhat the second set of instructions sayYou can also drop more files, or
selectButtonCopyWhat the primary file select button saysSelect Files
secondarySelectButtonCopyWhat the secondary file select button saysSelect More Files
dropZoneThe jQuery element where the uploader should listen for drop events$('body')
fileTypeWhiteListThe whitelist of file extensions to allow to be selected (case-insensitive)['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'pdf']
badFileTypeMessageWhat the error says when someone selects a file thats not allowed because of typeSorry, we're unable to accept this type of file.
ajaxUrlThe url to send the file batch to when its submitted/ajax/upload

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