bubbly-bg.js----a beautiful bubbles background---clock desktop demo

Bubbly-bg.js is a beautiful bubbly backgrounds in less than 1kB (696 bytes gzipped),which is based on HTML5 canvas.

GitHub here


This is the clock parts.
Do some stylish on clock to make it center.



It's easy to apply the bubbly-bg.js function with bubbly();

There are several attributes:
coloreStart: the beginning of the color transit
colorStop:the end of the color transit(I think it's like gradient())
bubbleFunc: the function of bubbles moving
bubbles: the numbers of bubbles showing
blur: the ambiguity of bubbles .The bigger the number is, the more blur the bubbles are.
compose: the style of bubbles. multiply bubbles. Default is  compose: "light".The other is compose: "source-over"
shadowColor:the shadow color of bubbles

The javascrip color js below. More detail expain check here

js for clock

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