Ios-Parallax.js---A simple jQuery plugin that reproduces the moving background parallax effect in iOS using only HTML, CSS, and JS

Ios-Parallax.js is a simple jQuery plugin that reproduces the moving background parallax effect in iOS using only HTML, CSS, and JS.

GitHub here

link bootstrap and cover style files in the head. (Here I'm with cover sample page of bootstrap)


And jquery,bootstrap and ios-parallax js files at the body bottom.

The html layout and cover.css copied from bootstrap sample page.

And the outer layer named bg contains the background picture(the size of picture for better view is 2560x1080)

  • If you're defining the background-image property in a separate css file, make sure the CSS file is loaded before calling $.iosParallax();

  // How fast the background moves
  movementFactor: 50,
  // How much to dampen the movement (higher is slower)
  dampenFactor: 36

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