bigPicture.js---Lightweight and framework independent JavaScript image / video viewer.
bigPicture.js is a Lightweight (just over 4 KB minified, 2 KB gzip) and framework independent JavaScript image / video viewer.
Supports Youtube, Vimeo, and direct video links.
GitHub here
link bigpicture.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="BigPicture.min.js"></script>
I use bootstrap to layout the site here
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="main.css">
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1. image-container
Each picture should have two size images: the original one and thumb one.
click the thumb images to strench to big one.
When target the img, executing the bigpicture methord and replacing the src name.
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Images pop out derive from the local original pictures with Javascript.
Setting background-image css:
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When target the img named background-image, executing the bigpicture methord.
three types of video resources: locala,youtube and vimeo
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When target the different className indexOf, executing the bigpicture methord.
The whole js file:
Build a function when click the images or videos.
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The layout in codePen: