unblock.js example 滑动解锁插件

It's a popular way to verify the users security when they login or register.

The Github address

Link jQuery library cause it's basic for plugin.Download or link online address

Download unlock.css and unclock.js and link them in the file.

Bulid a div named a id or class which can be grabbed in the js part.

Using slideToUnlock to link the unlock.js.
width:  the width of bar
height: the height of bar
text: the text content in the bar
bgColor: background color of bar
progressColor: the bar color after you drag through it
handleColor: the color of block where you drag
succColor: the bar color after the verification is succeed
textColor: the color of messages
succText: the message when the verification is succeed
succTextColor: the color of message when it success
succFunc: When the verification is succeed, you can recall a function

Don't add 'px' when you set the width and height.
Add the ' ' with the color, like  '#27a9ae'.

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