Return To Top JavaScript demo
It's common to find a return to top arrow at the right bottom side of the website. I'll create a demo to illustrate how to do it using css3 and JavaScript.
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Here I use the icon from awesome Fonts , so you should link the js file in the dead tag.
In the style part, key point is that making the outer tag as position:fixed and the inner tag as position:relative.
Then, the top icon should be displayed none firstly and shown through JavaScript code.
First, insert JQ file to active JavaScript. Then, the code should be two parts: when scroll the page larger than 50, show up, vice versa.
when click the back to top button, scroll to top with animation.
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demo show |
html |
<link href="" style="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
css main |
css general |
Then, the top icon should be displayed none firstly and shown through JavaScript code.
js |
when click the back to top button, scroll to top with animation.
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