html5 animation Ad demo

Title should be bounce up and down.
Bulid up a html file called index and a css file called style. A fold named img getting the pictures.

I have four part pictures for this animation.

First, a box should put all things,mainly for logos ,ball and text. 

.cont div is the parents of logos,ball and text. using position to adjust the positon of three parts.

Adding animation is the main point in this project. 
 animation: [name] [time] [loop or none];
 name whatever you like which will using later.
 time usually should be any seconds.
 loop make it infinite to loop or don't write anything.

The animation-fill-mode property specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing (when it is finished, or when it has a delay).
By default, CSS animations do not affect the element until the first keyframe is "played", and then stops once the last keyframe has completed. The animation-fill-mode property can override this behavior.
 animation-delay: time;
delay time before animation begin.

three parts are all animation with different name and time. 
Then bulid three @keyframes [name] to describe the process of changes,which from 0% to 100%. devided into several parts. 

translate along Y axis. 

expend the size of picture, basicaly number should be 1. 

dowmload demo file:

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