
Showing posts from June, 2016

html5 animation Ad demo

Title should be bounce up and down. Bulid up a html file called index and a css file called style. A fold named img getting the pictures. I have four part pictures for this animation. html First, a box should put all things,mainly for logos ,ball and text.  css .cont div is the parents of logos,ball and text. using position to adjust the positon of three parts. Adding animation is the main point in this project.  Must:   animation: [name] [time] [loop or none];  name whatever you like which will using later.  time usually should be any seconds.  loop make it infinite to loop or don't write anything.  animation-fill-mode:both; The animation-fill-mode property specifies a style for the element when the animation is not playing (when it is finished, or when it has a delay). By default, CSS animations do not affect the element until the first keyframe is "played", and then stops once the last keyframe has c...

<meta> analysis

The  HTML meta  element   represents any metadata information that cannot be represented by one of the other HTML meta-related elements ( <base> ,  <link> ,  <script> , <style>  or  <title> ). Depending on the attributes set, the kind of metadata can be one of the following: If  name  is set, it is  document-level   metadata , applying to the whole page. If  http-equiv  is set, it is a  pragma directive , i.e. information normally given by the web server about how the web page should be served. If  charset  is set, it is a  charset declaration , i.e. the charset used for the serialized form of the webpage. If  itemprop  is set, it is  user-defined metadata , transparent for the user-agent as the semantics of the metadata is user-specific.   meta  always be inside the tag head. Attributes character encoding <meta   charset ...

bootstrap 模块模板手写笔记


Return To Top JavaScript demo

It's common to find a return to top arrow at the right bottom side of the website. I'll create a demo to illustrate  how to do it using css3 and JavaScript.  demo show Coding now... html Here I use the icon from awesome Fonts , so you should link the js file in the dead tag.  <link href="" style="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> css main css general In the style part, key point is that making the outer tag as position:fixed and the inner tag as position:relative.   Then, the top icon should be displayed none firstly and shown through JavaScript code.  js First, insert JQ file to active JavaScript. Then, the code should be two parts: when scroll the page larger than 50, show up, vice  versa.  when click the back to top button, scroll to top with animation.  Demo Download  https://pan....

Sublime text3 license key

Feel free to enjoy them.  TwitterInc 200 User License EA7E-890007 1D77F72E 390CDD93 4DCBA022 FAF60790 61AA12C0 A37081C5 D0316412 4584D136 94D7F7D4 95BC8C1C 527DA828 560BB037 D1EDDD8C AE7B379F 50C9D69D B35179EF 2FE898C4 8E4277A8 555CE714 E1FB0E43 D5D52613 C3D12E98 BC49967F 7652EED2 9D2D2E61 67610860 6D338B72 5CF95C69 E36B85CC 84991F19 7575D828 470A92AB Please support authorized software if you can.  download sublime text3


转载来自  作者:   小鸡咕咕 一、下载 下载地址: 二、 主要快捷键列表 Ctrl+L 选择整行(按住-继续选择下行) Ctrl+KK 从光标处删除至行尾 Ctrl+Shift+K 删除整行 Ctrl+Shift+D 复制光标所在整行,插入在该行之前 Ctrl+J 合并行(已选择需要合并的多行时) Ctrl+KU 改为大写 Ctrl+KL 改为小写 Ctrl+D 选词 (按住-继续选择下个相同的字符串) Ctrl+M 光标移动至括号内开始或结束的位置 Ctrl+Shift+M 选择括号内的内容(按住-继续选择父括号) Ctrl+/ 注释整行(如已选择内容,同“Ctrl+Shift+/”效果) Ctrl+Shift+/ 注释已选择内容 Ctrl+Z 撤销 Ctrl+Y 恢复撤销 Ctrl+M 光标跳至对应的括号 Alt+. 闭合当前标签 Ctrl+Shift+A 选择光标位置父标签对儿 Ctrl+Shift+[ 折叠代码 Ctrl+Shift+] 展开代码 Ctrl+KT 折叠属性 Ctrl+K0 展开所有 Ctrl+U 软撤销 Ctrl+T 词互换 Tab 缩进 自动完成 Shift+Tab 去除缩进 Ctrl+Shift+↑ 与上行互换 Ctrl+Shift+↓ 与下行互换 Ctrl+K Backspace 从光标处删除至行首 Ctrl+Enter 光标后插入行 Ctrl+Shift+Enter 光标前插入行 Ctrl+F2 设置书签 F2 下一个书签 Shift+F2 上一个书签 三、安装Package Control 简而言之,它是用来管理插件的插件。所以,首次使用前也是需要安装的。 使用Ctrl+`(Esc键下方)快捷键或者通过View->Show Console菜单打开命令行。 将以下代码复制后粘贴到如上图中“<代码粘贴处>”,然后按Enter(回车),稍等片刻 Sublime Text 3: import urllib. request,os; pf = 'Package Control.sublime-package' ; ipp = sub...

how to close chrome sounds

Step 1 open Google Chrome browser,insert sentence 「 chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting 」 in the address box ,using〔Enter〕keyboard to find location to change the situation,find out「啟用分頁音訊開關使用者介面控制項」。  Step 2 按下下方的「啟用」Active後,在最下方會出現「您的變更將於下次重新啟動Google Chrome時生效。」提示,按下〔立即重新啟動〕即可重新開啟Google Chrome。  Active>>restart chrome   Step 3 當頁面有聲音效果時,分頁頁籤旁會出現喇叭符號 ,在頁籤上按滑鼠右鍵,從快速選單中點選【關閉分頁音訊】,即可關閉該分頁的聲音。  click the right mouse button to choose close sound  Step 4 另外,也可以直接按下喇叭符號 ,當喇叭變成禁止符號 的時候,就能快速關閉該分頁的聲音。 click the loudspeaker icon in the tab which you want to close sound Step 5 當滑鼠游標移到有禁止符號 的喇叭上會變成半透明,按下滑鼠左鍵即可恢復該分頁的聲音。  all down,try it Step 6 在分頁頁籤上按滑鼠右鍵,從快速選單中點選【開啟分頁音訊】,也可以恢復該分頁的聲音。  also can reverse