Masonry.js Demo
Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall. You’ve probably seen it in use all over the Internet.
I built a scss file to complete the styling part.
This main section is styling each kind of grid.
First,I apply the masonry on .grid div in the HTML. Either
isFitWidth makes every column same width which looks neat.
gutter makes some space between each grid_item.
Second, it's convenient to add images into the grid div through Json. More easy to handle the content in the future.The critical point is using append() .
For example,
Today,I gonna try this plugIn with fashion topic.
When I narrow the browser, the images turn into two columns which are responsible to the browser size.
Here is the code part:
I'll use Masonry.js in the rightArea, loading in different height images through json.SCSS:
I built a scss file to complete the styling part.
This main section is styling each kind of grid.
needs to be set to a fixed size, like columnWidth: 120
, or items need to have a fixed size in pixels, like width: 120px
. isFitWidth makes every column same width which looks neat.
gutter makes some space between each grid_item.
Second, it's convenient to add images into the grid div through Json. More easy to handle the content in the future.The critical point is using append() .
In the Json file,you can edit whatever link you like.
The Masonry.js is cool. But I feel like to combine with other plugIn to smooth the web responsible.
More official function, check on
My demo download here