CSS3 animation flyaway

I found out a useful flyaway.css which can apply to your website for active animation. When you wanna send an email or something, every feedback from php could be shown  by the cute animations.
Here is my easy example:

The image I picked up from font Awesome.First link the font-awesome database, the css stylesheet, the original javascript  min and the file flyaway.js which I download from the author 進擊的燊. The githubaddress:https://github.com/lushen/flyaway/tree/master  from 進擊的燊

I actually change the .one to .bind. I'm not sure but the outcome doesn't affect.
What I really got confused about this js is the .bind(....),so I check it on stack.Following is answer.
The animationend events are case sensitive, and vary from browser to browser. The official spec is all lowercase, though the various browser prefixes even vary in their implementation too.
Mozilla: mozAnimationEnd
Webkit: webkitAnimationEnd
Opera: oanimationend
IE: MSAnimationEnd
W3C: animationend
It's an easy css with jQuery,way more convenient to skip 
about the animation css,from balabala to balabala... 
Here are other three type animations gif.


download from: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qXTt8M4

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