I used to play around with these gallery boxes with old versions. Now the Fancybox is the 4th version with more functions, including plugins, events, options. They even provided how to use React easily demo. I remember when I was learning Javascript, the fancy project is building a carousel, it took some time and logical understanding, but it’s a good way to learn the logic JS though. But for now, I will be grasping the eyeball by this fancy Javascript library. Since it’s a fast-developing world, the result should be precise, accurate, and fast, right? Fanyapps includes Fancybox, Carousel, and Panzoom . Fancybox is a flex gallery container, which is touch and mobile optimized with swipe, drag, and pinch-to-zoom gestures. Carousel is a display place with smooth animations and more functions inside. Panzoom is a customized zooming function. They combined smoothly and more functionally. Official site Playaround the demo here Step1: import the library with npm or using CDN I li...
Photo by Fahim Muntashir on Unsplash As a front-end developer, you have to grasp the knowledge about how to fetch the API. But there is a question coming, where the API comes from? Why I can fetch data with a simple URL link and a private API key for some of them. Occasionally, I found a video about it. The curiosity leads me to find out further. Here is the link . I am gonna record what I learned. F irst, you have to make an app with node.js. Make sure Node.js is installed on the PC. In the project, npm install express request request-promise nodemon In the package.json file, change the scripts for running. so, you can run the terminal with npm run dev or yarn dev to run the live server. In the index.js file, we begin to build the code. require express and request. the port default is 5000 the home page is the sentence: Welcome to... When the port is 5000, the app listens and runs. For doing a ScraperAPI , I...
Use this cool animation library for your next JavaScript project. Typed.js is a JavaScript animation library. Any string can type customer animated with content, speed, and so on. The most common use as I notice is for a landing page that looks modern in style. Official site: Typed.js Another demo made with love by Matt Boldt. # With NPM npm install typed.js # With Yarn yarn add typed.js # With Bower… mattboldt.com Step1: import js library with npm, yarn, bower, or CDN npm install typed.js yarn add typed.js bower install typed.js or <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/typed.js@2.0.12"></script> Step2: HTML The content is included in the <div> The place content actually is typing is the <span> Step3: JS fire up the library with new Typed('id',options) Customization: stringsElement: the content want to show typeSpeed: the speed of typing backDelay:backDelay time before backspacing in milliseconds fadeOut: fade out animation instead of ba...