Ikonate.js--fully customisable & accessible vector icons

Official website  Github


With Git clone
direct to the location your project is and clone in the file

Then there will be a file named ikonate

If you'd like to customize the icon border ,size,style and color. Check the content in the website and export the icon you need. Also a dark version icon's choice.

After exporting the zip file, unzip for three files which are three ways to apply.

Here I tried all of them:

There are three ways to import this plugin. 

1. With <img>

Link the svg to the image.Customize the size with css

2.With inline svg

Copy the svg from the file named inline .

3.With svg sprite

external Link the spritesheet with <use>

And don't forget to style svg with css for 2nd and 3rd method:

The demo code resources Download

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