Muuri.js demo
Muuri creates responsive, sortable, filterable and draggable grid layouts. It's very useful for both PC and mobile. Muuri uses Velocity for animating the grid items (positioining/showing/hiding) and Hammer.js for handling the dragging. Hammer.js is an optional dependency that is only required if dragging is enabled, but Velocity is a hard dependency. The author is working on 3.0 version now and I think this plugin will be popular in the future. And the offiicial demo is demo here. And I just practice how to use it easily. Getting start! 1. Link js file in the body: < script src = " " ></ script > < script src = " " ></ script > <!-- Needs to be within in body element or have access to body element --> < script src = " https://cdnjs.cloudfla...