FancyBox.js demo

Enjoying the images gallery is a fancy thing. It's always shown on photograpy and  e-commercial websites. 

The plugin called FancyBox is a amazing stuff which is easy to apply to your sites such as the animation above. 

First, it's basic to link the jQuery and fancybox js file which are downloaded from the and also you can check the documents. 

Secondly,the HTML contained the five pictures with link you can click on. 

Lastly,jQuery is about fancybox(), the helpers, buttons,thumbs,openEffect,closeEffect. 

button{} is the control button at the top of page.
thumbs{}is the thumbs of pictures at the bottom of the page,which can be set the width and height.
title{} is the descriptions of the pictures below it,which have four type:inside,outside,over,float.

openEffect and closeEffect are elestic,none or fade. 

My demo free download here

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