READING REVIEW: 20 Things I Learned About Browsers & Web

Incredibly, a book called 20 Things I Learned About Browsers & Web walked into my eyes. I can't wait to one watch it, thanks to the concise design and the meaningful words, which solides my mind to learn about web development .

The world is changing every moment. It has become a "past" until that we realise the time forwards. So does Web in virtual lives. I already remember our first computer at home in 1996, when seems like "developing fast in China".I undoubt to say it was the symbol which connected to the outside world. So lucky I was to own a chunky stuff whose brand is called Lenovo. All visual things like websites or even the desktop image didn't trigger my interests, because I have to admit everything seems like so complicated that I couldn't handle it even more enjoyed .  But I definitely felt a sense of satisfaction because of the new technology was stepping into my life. In my country, I have to be a good student especially at my age around 7 years old, who just began  my pupil phrase. After near 20 years, the computer is not new to me but necessary to everyone. The screens are so shining , the applications are so   comprehensive and the websites are user-friendly. Everything changed so fast that I couldn't catch the leg.

Nowadays, the browsers are built by HTML,CSS,JAVASCRIPT and other languages, which are the basis of the visual web, that is incredible.  Even though the different IT  companies has improved their capacities to conquer the virus,such as phishing,malware. We use the union format of web to service different people, meaning that it's the  significant way to broadcast and collect the big data,which would benefit to the future development. I definitely hope to consume my energy and passionates on it.

This book recall me lots of things about myself and future. I recommend it to learners who are willing to  in touch with this field.Here is the link online:

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