Solution to error when Emmet install to Sublime Text3

I found that Sublime text is the good tool for editing html and javascript.As a beginner,I'm exciting to find out a free website to teach all the knowledge of programming basic language. It's the chinese edition which is best for me.Through the video which introduces how to use Sublime Text,I begin to install Emmet to it. from,Unzip it to a folder called Package Control . from,Unzip it to the formal folder to update the content.
C:\.....Sublime Text 3\Packages\Package Control Sublime text and click the Preference-->Browse Package...

paste the folder Package Control to this place.

Then ,you'll realise there are added something. Preference-->Package Control >>> Install Package

Attention:when I came here,I couldn't open the frame below.It pop up a window written "There are no packages available for installation!"

Then I began to find out why that happened.This error is happened with IPv6 problem.
How to solve this on Windows:
Step 1:
Get IPv4 address of
Try this command line on terminal ping
Now you can get IPv4 address of

Step 2:
Now open hosts file from C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ folder and add this line (replcae {IPv4 address})
{IPv4 address}

All is ok. Let's play with Package controller.
5.After a while, pop-up a window.write the word"emmet",then choose first one to install.
6.Then it will show a black screen with some sentences.
7.At last you can reopen the Sublime text,and test the Emmet.
text ul#test>li*4,and ctrl+e ,you'll see
Yes,it succeed.

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